Leadership in Open Education: UNESCO Guidelines and Policy Game

Open Policy Game and UNESCO Guidelines for OER Policy used in course on Open Education Strategies

Students in the new Leadership in Open Education Masters program (UNG/Slovenia) course Open Education Strategies have created detailed analyses of open policy and practices focused on the UNESCO Guidelines for OER Policy (co-written by one of the teachers, Dominic Orr) and the Open Education Initiatives’ Open Education Policy Game (Tel Amiel, of the Open Education Initiative, was co-teacher in the course). The use of both instruments has shown itself as a powerful mechanism to analyze and create a roadmap for OER and Open Education policy for organizations an groups.

As the final assignment of the one semester course (winter 2020/21), students were asked to reflect on an existing case, which they knew well, and to apply what they had learnt in the course to considerations for developing an open education policy for this case. The authors and their academic supervisors are proud to share these reflections with the field in the hope that they may contribute to a rich and comprehensive debate around developing open education policies around the world.

  • The first case, written by Ms. Mojca Drevenšek, aims to foster multi-stakeholder communities around changes in use of clean energies.
  • The second case, written by Ms. Ana Fabjan, drafts an open policy roadmap for an existing online mentoring program entitled “Open Education for a Better World (OE4BW)”

In both cases, the authors are convinced that it is necessary to think comprehensively about developing and implementing a strategy that enables the initiatives to make full use of the potentials of open education and their communities to foster sustainable social innovations.

Both reports, which we hope can inspire similar initiatives, can be found in the LOE community in Zenodo.

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